Thoughts on Obama’s Immigration Reform

Obama’s late November announcement of immigration reform has caused quite the stir in the United States and for good reason. Immigration is a hot-button topic in the United States and opinions will fly as the new immigration programs are revealed over the next few months.

Thoughts on Obama’s Immigration Reform

Here’s a quick recap on Obama’s immigration reform actions.

What is Obama’s Immigration Reform Action?

Obama’s announcement was in many ways a continuation of his Deferred Action program from 2012. Particularly, it extended the amount of time that a DACA recipient can get deferred action from two years to three.

He also talked about creating a new program for the parents of U.S. citizens and permanent residents (Green Card holders).

What’s Good about Obama’s Immigration Reform Action?

Primarily, the best thing about the new action is that it allows a large number of immigrants who already participate in American society to continue contributing, but in a more legal manner.

Young people who have always know the U.S. as home can continue to study and work and can work toward goals in their lives.

Parents of citizen children can stay in the U.S and take care of their children.

What Do Detractors say?

Liberal attitudes about immigration reform see Obama’s action as too little, but that it will work for the time being. Democrats would like to see a more permanent solution or a pathway to true legal immigration status for the affected groups of undocumented immigrants.

On the other end of the political spectrum, Obama’s executive order is viewed as being a circumvention of the standard system. Many conservative media outlets describe it as amnesty.

However, real immigration amnesty is where real legal status is conferred to a group of people. This executive order only says that the government won’t actively pursue deportation for the recipients of the program.

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